Ana Personal Tips

Plans and request for your input!

Now that the original site is officially gone😭I’ve been thinking about it a lot and I thought of a few tips and other information that has since been debunked, corrected, or otherwise shown to be inaccurate or even harmful. I want to correct that so I’m planning to post the original Inedia’s tips list with corrections for the tips that need correcting and some elaboration on others, given all we’ve learned since then. I have saved PDF’s of all the Inedia pages and raw documents of the material so don’t worry, even though the site has been removed it might be officially gone, but it’ll never be truly gone. I am very sentimental about the first sites I saw when I first discovered pro ana and there are a few that seem entirely wiped from the internet that I desperately wish I could see again even if they were inactive, because they were such a part of my life at the time. So if Inedia is that site for anyone, I don’t want it to ever completely disappear. ♡

Anyway, given that plan for the Tips page, I want to ask what else you would like to see. Should I go through the other pages and do similar or just post fresh information? Should I format this version more like the old site or try for something completely new? (Honestly I’m still learning WordPress, I have a lot going on but I want to utilize the features more.) What topics/content are most important to you now?

PLEASE comment!! I mostly get a bunch of spam bots and wasn’t sure anyone real was actually visiting. For people who do, I would love your feedback or even your contributions (credited however you like ofc.) I hope to see your comments and I plan to have more content for you soon!

Here’s to a perfect new year where all your goals come true 💕